Plans to construct an overpass over Interstate 55 at Mound Road met opposition from officials at a March 13 regular meeting of the Shorewood Village Board of Trustees.
The effort, spearheaded by the Illinois Department of Transportation and the City of Joliet, was last addressed publicly at Shorewood’s Committee of the Whole meeting in November 2017, at which point opposition was declared. At the time, a representative for Cullinan Properties spoke of the project.
Shorewood has determined that IDOT and the City of Joliet have proposals in consideration to build an overpass.
The matter was reviewed because Mound Road is under Shorewood’s jurisdiction and ownership west of Interstate 55.
The Village currently has a proposed development at the southwest corner of Mound and South West Frontage roads in the final stages of approval. Shorewood has determined that an overpass raises conflict with infrastructure and access to the site in question.
A resolution drafted by the Village shows that existing average daily traffic on Mound Road between River and South West Frontage roads is approximately 1,300 vehicles per day, based on counts obtained by IDOT in 2016. It goes on to highlight that construction of an overpass is anticipated to result in approximately 15,000 vehicles per day in 2040, as determined by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.
Round it up
A brief recap of action and discussion at a March 13 regular meeting of the Shorewood Village Board of Trustees:
A motion was passed to approve a payment of $12,709.37 to Christopher Burke Engineering for U.S. Route 52/River Road Phase III professional services.
A motion was passed directing and authorizing the disposal of various pieces of personal property by the Village of Shorewood. Of the items to be destroyed are some Panasonic Toughbooks, associated but removed hard drives, Gamber Johnson Mag Dock, LEDCO Charge Guards, screen stiffener, telular charging battery, UBLOX GPS Antennas, Digital Ally Batteries with Dock, Digital Ally Rearview Mirror Cameras, Digital Ally Mounted Cameras, and Radar-Enabled G-Force Sensors.
Officials waived a second and moved to approve an amendment to a Village ordinance re-establishing Shorewood’s Parks and Recreation committee. Board action aims to improve the functionality of recommending body’s ability to meet current event and programming needs.
A motion was passed to adopt the Village of Shorewood’s budget for fiscal year 2018-2019.